COSA Boat Share Club

The COSA Boat Share Club invites members (current & new) to share the use of our RS Quest, Hobie Getaway & Laser sailboats.

Step1: Get Certified. To begin, attend a certification clinic where you will demonstrate competence in rigging, de-rigging, launching, landing, sailing in wind up to 12 knots (24 km/h), capsize drill, and man overboard procedure. Completion of CanSail Levels I & II are recommended. This is not a teaching session (other than a few specific things about the boats) so if you need to sharpen your skills please contact COSA’s sailing school to book lessons:

Step 2: Join the Club. To join the Boat Share Club (“BSC”) you must first be a COSA member. For new COSA members, there is a one-time initiation fee of $500. Annual COSA dues are $275 for an individual or family. Annual Boat Share Club dues are an additional $275. To ensure that everyone gets plenty of sailing, the number of BSC memberships will be limited.

Step 3: Go Sailing!The Boat Share Club is open daily from May to October, from 8am until dusk, reservable online in 2-hour blocks.

Interested? For more information & to book a certification clinic, contact COSA’s President, Alan Wright,at

Things to Know:

Reservations: Boats can be reserved for 2-hour blocks using our Google calendar online. You may have two bookings on the calendar at any one time. If you want to keep sailing after the end of your booking time, return to COSA to see if anyone is waiting to use the boat. If not, you are welcome to sign it out online for another 2-hour block.

Paddleboards: You can book a boat but you can’t book the wind. If you arrive at the club to go sailing but there’s no wind you can still get out on the lake using the Boat Share Club’s paddleboards during your booked time slot. For any times that sailboats aren’t already booked, you can make a same-day 2-hour booking for the paddleboards.

Take a Friend:As a BSC member, you are welcome to take a guest sailing with you. You are responsible for the conduct of your guest while on COSA property and while sailing. Further, you are responsible for the safety of your guest, so you must be competent to successfully lead an unskilled sailor through a man overboard or capsize recovery situation. Use good judgment. If your guest is an unskilled sailor, you must be able to manage the boat on your own. As you are also responsible for the boat, you must skipper the boat when launching and returning to shore. Under no circumstances is a guest permitted to take out the BSC boat on their own.

Handle with Care: The hulls of our boatsare durable, but are not indestructible. Other parts are more easily damaged, such as the centerboard, rudder, mast and sails. These are very expensive to repair or replace, and damage may put the boat out of commission for a long time. As a COSA and BSC member, you are a part-owner of the boats, so please treat them with care and with respect.

Ship Shape: After sailing, return the boat and equipment to their proper positions. It is important that the boatsare always ready to sail, so any damage or maintenance required must be noted in the logbook and reported immediately to the COSA President .

Safety Considerations:

  1. Take a Dock Walk:Before launching, check conditions. Are the wind and wave conditions within your abilities?Which way is the wind coming from? (This informs your launch strategy.)Are there ominous storm clouds brewing? (Possibility of squall, lightning?)
  2. Too Windy?Know your capabilities and stay within your limits. If the windspeed is 20 knots (40km/h) or more, do not go sailing.
  3. Be Prepared:Always wear your Personal Floatation Device (PFD) and take all mandatory equipment (see list below).
  4. In Case of Emergency: Call 911. Location is 4220 Hobson Road.First aid kit and telephone are in the COSA garage bay Be Prepared:Always wear your Personal Floatation Device (PFD) and take all mandatory equipment (see list below).
  5. Never use boat share club equipment when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Not only is it dangerous for you, it’s dangerous for others on the lake.

Mandatory Equipment:

  1. Personal Flotation Device (PFD) for everyone on board:PFDs are not supplied by COSA, so be sure to bring your own. If you forget yours, look on the “loaner” rack inside the garage bay. Do not ask to borrow a PFD from the COSA Learn to Sail program.
  2. Whistle:Transport Canada Boating Regulations state that a whistle (sound signaling device) is mandatory. Bring your own & attach it to your PFD.
  3. Bailer: Included on the Quest. (Not needed on the Hobie Getaway or Laser.)
  4. Paddle:Included with the Quest and Hobie Getaway.

Recommended Equipment:

  • Wetsuit:The lake iscold in May, June, September & October. Loaner wetsuits are on the rack inside the garage bay.
  • Hat& Jacket
  • Footwear: Neoprene booties or closed-toe shoes
  • Sunglasses: Use a lanyard!
  • Sailing gloves: Protect those hands!
  • Knife
  • Sunscreen:Waterproof, SPF30+
  • Snacks:Water bottle and energy bar
  • Cell phone:In waterproof floating case
  • Towel and dry clothes:Leave on shore for after sailing